Constructal Law

Constructal Law (Good Explainer here)

Flow Baby Flow

“Given freedom, for a finite-size system to persist in time (to live), it must evolve in such a way that it provides easier access to the imposed currents that flow through it.”  Adrian Bejan

Constructal- Cross between “construction” and “fractal.”

Examples of Flow- A lightning strike, the course of a river, the human circulatory system, the growth of a tree, the roads within a city, the development of a snowflake, the spread of an idea.

Lots of implications for the movement of information, trade, migration, capital, belief systems.

More Bejan:  It doesn’t matter if you are a popular politician or a company leader: if you obstruct the flow of the system you function in, you will be part of its demise.  My advice for those who want to build a better society (or company): always keep the flow in mind.  Always stimulate freedom of movement- be it physical or conceptual- and locate the obstructions to remove them.  That is how you design and stimulate successful systems: political, societal, professional, scientific, and technologic.”