“Nothing lasts, nothing is finished, and nothing is perfect."
- Powell, Richard R. (2004). Wabi Sabi Simple.
Wabi Sabi is a Japanese concept I really enjoyed stumbling across. It unlocks part of my brain that I don’t have English words for.
Book Summary: Wabi Sabi- For Artists, Designers, Poets, and Philosophers by Leonard Koren
What is it?
A beauty of things imperfect, impermanent, and incomplete.
A beauty of things modest and humble.
A beauty of things unconventional.
Closest English word would be “Rustic”, but it’s much more than that.
Wabi- Originally the misery of living alone in nature, away from society in a cheerless and emotional state.
Sabi- Chill, lean, withered.
Comparison to Modernism
Modernism is a broad term that cuts across art, design, history, cultural attitudes, and philosophies. “Middle” Modernism includes slick, minimalist appliances, machines, automobiles, and gadgets produced since the second World War. It also includes concrete, steel, and glass box buildings.
-Both apply to all manner of man-made objects, spaces, and designs.
-Both are strong reactions against the dominant, established sensibilities of their time. Modernism was a radical departure from 19th century classicism and eclecticism. Wabi-Sabi was a radical departure from the Chinese perfection and gorgeousness of the 16th century and earlier.
-Both eschew any decoration that is not integral to structure.
-Both are abstract, nonrepresentational ideals of beauty.
-Both have readily identifiable surface characteristics. Modernism is seamless, polished, and smooth. Wabi-Sabi is earthy, imperfect, and variegated.
Metaphysical Basis:
-Things are either devolving toward, or evolving from, nothingness.
Spiritual Values:
-Truth comes from an observation of nature.
-‘Greatness’ exists in inconspicuous and overlooked details.
-Beauty can be coaxed out of ugliness.
State of Mind:
-Acceptance of the inevitable.
-Appreciation of the Cosmic Order.
Moral Precepts:
-Get rid of all that is unnecessary.
-Focus on the intrinsic and ignore material hierarchy.
Material Qualities:
-The suggestion of natural process.